Bobblehead Bunny

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sorry =S

Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting in a while, there has been exams going so I've been busy. I'll get back to posting once their done. :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Rose tea

So the last time I talked about my snack the rose tea with the cookies. I said I would tell you the ingredients to it and how I made it. It is tea so it is not thy difficult to make and the ingredients should be quite obvious.

Ingredients/ things needed:
- dry rose buds
- hot water
- cup/ mug
- plate/ hat for the mug/cup
- small metal strainer that fits in cup

So basically all u do is cut from the top of the bud down the centre and through the stem. If it doesn't cut correctly the first few times just cut it so its small enough XD. Then u just put it in the strainer, pour some hot water, place a plate or hat onto it and let the water absorb the rose flavour and goodies. After that you could resume the petals and create another rose tea if you want or just throw then away.

You could place other potential flowers if you want, just no guarantee on the taste. Some flower mixes work, others done =3. Sometimes I put Ju hua I'm not sure what its called in English but I think it's called orange flower, the flower that later grows into an orange?

But ya you should only drink this type of tea like 3 times a weak or else your inner heat/ cold will be disrupted according to Chinese sayings? Haha not sure need to look up that again =_=

Bye~ until next time XD

Friday, April 5, 2013

Fashion piece: infinity scarf

Hmm I apologies for not posting for a few days had some issues I needed to resolve haha.
So today I though I'd do a post on the infinity scarf. I'm pretty sure you girls have hear about it for a while since its popularity started like long ago haha.. And most of you probably have it already as well.
There are many benefit its this infinity scarf because you can wear it in various ways and styles matching with different pieces of clothing. The infinity scarf is quite useful in keep you warm during the winter and the cold early spring where you can wear less but have a scarf to stay warm :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Rice water

During the past few months, I have been using rice water as part if my daily routine when washing my face. Apparently, it's suppose to help your skin become whiter and healthier.

So basically what this rice water is just water from cleaning it. It's suppose to be the second batch of water that is used to clean the rice and NOT the first. Some people might think its gross or dirty because its water that has been used to clean something, which is why we are using the second batch which is cleaner. I basically use this water to wash off the cleanser I use then I clear water to wash the race water off and apply normal night facial routine.

Some people might not eat rice every day, in that case when h do plan to cook it it can use a larger batch and have it in a bowl in the fridge with a lid on it an pour out some everyday or however often you wish to use it.