Hey guys,
So today I decided to show my bag, which is this bag made from an anchor patterned fabric. Which my dad picked out when he was in china. Surprisingly the quality is not bad, and the price was around $15. Compared to the other bags be brought, I thought this one was the cutest and I use it now haha. This is also the bag that I got a few complements about it looking cute and how they wanted a bag like that :3. Which is a first and it made me happy haha :p.
Not sure what else to say about this bag... It's just a bag that looks cute =o
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Fashion piece: Guess flip flops
Hey guys,
Today I brought to you guys this pair if flip flops which I think are cute, but what I don't like about it is the fact that their plastic which means the probability of them breaking and I hate flip flops breaking on me.
When where flip flops I would suffer moisturizing your heels because they do tend to go dry and crack. At least that happens to me, so it's a love hate relationship.
This pair is $29.99 CAD without tax so it would really come to $30 CAD+ depending in where you live.
Today I brought to you guys this pair if flip flops which I think are cute, but what I don't like about it is the fact that their plastic which means the probability of them breaking and I hate flip flops breaking on me.
When where flip flops I would suffer moisturizing your heels because they do tend to go dry and crack. At least that happens to me, so it's a love hate relationship.
This pair is $29.99 CAD without tax so it would really come to $30 CAD+ depending in where you live.
Fashion piece,
flip flops,
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Fashion piece: triangle edgy earrings
Hey guys,
Today's piece are these edgy triangular earrings. So really the only thing I like about them is the edginess if can provide for your outfit without over doing it with studs and stuff. So what I thought when I first saw it was " o I don't have something like this in my earring collection.." Not sure if I would wear it on a daily basis, but it is nice to just have in case I needed it one day.
Today's piece are these edgy triangular earrings. So really the only thing I like about them is the edginess if can provide for your outfit without over doing it with studs and stuff. So what I thought when I first saw it was " o I don't have something like this in my earring collection.." Not sure if I would wear it on a daily basis, but it is nice to just have in case I needed it one day.
Fashion piece,
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Rose tea and whole wheat cookies
Okay, so today I thought instead of doing a fashion piece I would talk about some of the things that I eat. So this rose tea + whole wheat cookie combo is what I usually have as a snack.
This tea gives plenty of health benefits, but drinking too much of it might not be a good idea. So it is best that you only drink it 3 times a week consecutively and then wait until next week the same day you started drinking the tea, to give your body a chance to absorb an relax from all the benefits of the tea. hmm i have also placed other flowers in it to counter balance the cold and the heat from the flowers ( a Chinese/ asian thing). As for the cookies they might sound healthy, but I'm pretty sure they placed a lot of sugar in it as well.. Though it does taste good XD.
Hmm I will post the ingredients for the tea up some other time as well as how I make it.^^
Bye~ until next time!
This tea gives plenty of health benefits, but drinking too much of it might not be a good idea. So it is best that you only drink it 3 times a week consecutively and then wait until next week the same day you started drinking the tea, to give your body a chance to absorb an relax from all the benefits of the tea. hmm i have also placed other flowers in it to counter balance the cold and the heat from the flowers ( a Chinese/ asian thing). As for the cookies they might sound healthy, but I'm pretty sure they placed a lot of sugar in it as well.. Though it does taste good XD.
Hmm I will post the ingredients for the tea up some other time as well as how I make it.^^
Bye~ until next time!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Fashion piece: shot sleeved knitted sweater with heart
Hey guys, my midterms are just around the corner, so I'm not sure if I'll be posting Monday night.. Because I have two midterms on Tuesday XD. so I'll see how it goes haha.
Well, today's piece is this short sleeved knitted sweater that has a giant blue heart on it. When I first saw it, I was awe its so cute XD I could just imagine someone wearing this with some kind o long sleep underneath to keep themselves warm, and the line between the sweater and the long sleeve underneath. with this sweater you could wear during a summer night to just keep warm~ish or wear it during the spring when it's still cold yet warm outside. You could match it with shorts or a mix with leggings underneath, if its particularly cold outside. Also with this sweater I can see her hair up in a messy top bun with some kind of matching headband. xD (+ mug of coffee)
Can you visualize it? How do you see this piece being warn?
That's it for today~
Bye~ until next time :D
Well, today's piece is this short sleeved knitted sweater that has a giant blue heart on it. When I first saw it, I was awe its so cute XD I could just imagine someone wearing this with some kind o long sleep underneath to keep themselves warm, and the line between the sweater and the long sleeve underneath. with this sweater you could wear during a summer night to just keep warm~ish or wear it during the spring when it's still cold yet warm outside. You could match it with shorts or a mix with leggings underneath, if its particularly cold outside. Also with this sweater I can see her hair up in a messy top bun with some kind of matching headband. xD (+ mug of coffee)
Can you visualize it? How do you see this piece being warn?
That's it for today~
Bye~ until next time :D
blue heart,
Fashion piece,
knitted sweater,
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Fashion piece: gold arrow bracelet/ bangle
Okay so Today I thought I might change up some things I blog about. As you know I've mostly blogged about clothing or bags so I thought that this time, since I was able to to winner agains, that I would take a look at some shoes and accessories as well.
Why Winners again? Even though I said I would go to other stores? Is because I have this job of canvassing during the weekend and I got there early, so I thought I'd go in again and take a look to see what new items they have stocked up. Couldn't there have been other retail stores beside Winners? To be honest I'm not sure I looked around the area that I was in and winners was the only clothing store there, unless you want to consider the clothing section of a super market then that would make two. =\
So today's FP is this golden arrow bracelet / bangle. I'm not really sure what it is called but it looks like those arrows on the street about a sharp curve coming up XD and its gold. Hmm when I first saw it my first thought was .. Will this fit in my wrist without falling off? Because my wrists are kind of small so most of the bangles stores sell are too big for me. But then I thought about it.. This bracelet was created in the shape of arrows like toy snakes that can roughly slither. So why not the bracelet too except that it just tightens and loosens on the wearer.
What's great about this piece of jewellery is that it can fit into any season and work with the majority of the colours to give a brighter "under tone" to what your wearing .. In other words it makes your outfit seen warmer. But the I don't like about this is that the chain that comes with seems too thin to hold up the whole piece and the fact that my wrist is small tigers would we a lot of chains left dangling from the wrist. You might think why not cut it off, but sometimes or days it might feel tighter or looser depend on your body and the temp.
This bracelet is near $80, so it is not cheap product.
Bye~ until next time!!!
Why Winners again? Even though I said I would go to other stores? Is because I have this job of canvassing during the weekend and I got there early, so I thought I'd go in again and take a look to see what new items they have stocked up. Couldn't there have been other retail stores beside Winners? To be honest I'm not sure I looked around the area that I was in and winners was the only clothing store there, unless you want to consider the clothing section of a super market then that would make two. =\
So today's FP is this golden arrow bracelet / bangle. I'm not really sure what it is called but it looks like those arrows on the street about a sharp curve coming up XD and its gold. Hmm when I first saw it my first thought was .. Will this fit in my wrist without falling off? Because my wrists are kind of small so most of the bangles stores sell are too big for me. But then I thought about it.. This bracelet was created in the shape of arrows like toy snakes that can roughly slither. So why not the bracelet too except that it just tightens and loosens on the wearer.
What's great about this piece of jewellery is that it can fit into any season and work with the majority of the colours to give a brighter "under tone" to what your wearing .. In other words it makes your outfit seen warmer. But the I don't like about this is that the chain that comes with seems too thin to hold up the whole piece and the fact that my wrist is small tigers would we a lot of chains left dangling from the wrist. You might think why not cut it off, but sometimes or days it might feel tighter or looser depend on your body and the temp.
This bracelet is near $80, so it is not cheap product.
Bye~ until next time!!!
Fashion piece,
gold bangle,
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Fashion piece: Jean blouse
Sorry for the late blog today, been busy at school for social networking events XD. And with all the midterms coming up... Ya quite busy T-T.
But I'm still happy to bring you girls or guys this Jean blouse. Which would be nice to wear during summer nights that can get kind of cold, but at the same time be too bundled up in thick layers that it feels like your in the Sahara desert! So yes it is from umm Winners =\ again. It's been an all Winner week hasn't it XD.
Back to the shirt again haha.. So I do like the idea that they used black lace on the shoulder area because it provides a contrast in colour between the blue jean and the black lace.. At they same time thy added these silver "bullets" onto the connection line between the lace and jean for added texture and that kind of combo of colour and texture complements each other in various ways.
As for when I would wear it, it would be if I go shopping and walk down a cold isle or in the mall the the air conditioning is on full blast. Or during summer nights when it gets slightly chilly.^^
Well that's all for tod...yesterday XD
Bye~ until later - from the past :p
Sorry for the late blog today, been busy at school for social networking events XD. And with all the midterms coming up... Ya quite busy T-T.
But I'm still happy to bring you girls or guys this Jean blouse. Which would be nice to wear during summer nights that can get kind of cold, but at the same time be too bundled up in thick layers that it feels like your in the Sahara desert! So yes it is from umm Winners =\ again. It's been an all Winner week hasn't it XD.
Back to the shirt again haha.. So I do like the idea that they used black lace on the shoulder area because it provides a contrast in colour between the blue jean and the black lace.. At they same time thy added these silver "bullets" onto the connection line between the lace and jean for added texture and that kind of combo of colour and texture complements each other in various ways.
As for when I would wear it, it would be if I go shopping and walk down a cold isle or in the mall the the air conditioning is on full blast. Or during summer nights when it gets slightly chilly.^^
Well that's all for tod...yesterday XD
Bye~ until later - from the past :p
Friday, March 22, 2013
Fashion piece: lace top
Hey peeps,
It's here the next fashion piece XD and this time it's this lace topping for the summer. This has been around for a long time so I'm pretty sure many stores have some kind of variation of it at a variety of costs XD.
So this one is from Winners again QQ ... But ya these lace tops are a great way to cover up some skin by not staying too too warm in the summer heat. It can provide some protection against the sun, but not a lot so it would still be a good idea to smack on some SUNSCREEN!!!! This top can have a variety of different looks depending on what you accompany it with. Hehe that means you can pair it up with ALMOST anything and still look great with it XD.
So as always I didn't look for the price of this top, but km sure it was around $10-$20.. But other places online or in stores could have them at a cheaper or more expensive price. Which is great which means you will have more variety of designs to pick from. And if it comes down to a few that you love, you could always just get them all of get the cheaper one XD. Though careful when your purchasing online. You always want to look at the shipping price as well as where and check the rating of the person selling to see if they are trust worthy.
Bye~ until next time :D
It's here the next fashion piece XD and this time it's this lace topping for the summer. This has been around for a long time so I'm pretty sure many stores have some kind of variation of it at a variety of costs XD.
So this one is from Winners again QQ ... But ya these lace tops are a great way to cover up some skin by not staying too too warm in the summer heat. It can provide some protection against the sun, but not a lot so it would still be a good idea to smack on some SUNSCREEN!!!! This top can have a variety of different looks depending on what you accompany it with. Hehe that means you can pair it up with ALMOST anything and still look great with it XD.
So as always I didn't look for the price of this top, but km sure it was around $10-$20.. But other places online or in stores could have them at a cheaper or more expensive price. Which is great which means you will have more variety of designs to pick from. And if it comes down to a few that you love, you could always just get them all of get the cheaper one XD. Though careful when your purchasing online. You always want to look at the shipping price as well as where and check the rating of the person selling to see if they are trust worthy.
Bye~ until next time :D
Fashion piece,
lace top,
online shopping,
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Chocolate lemon cake
xD so my mom made this lemon cake from cake mix and added chocolate into it which tastes pretty good! So I'm just eating the last two pieces of it being junkie of the family hehehe.
Fashion piece: it's just a shirt??
Yes!!! that's right today's piece is just 1 regular t-shirt haha what I like about it is the design and its totally something I would wear on a daily bases. Hmm I'm not sure if you can tell but part of the back is kind of see through with an army uniform pattern. O right! Can you guess where this shirt is from? =o
That's right it's from Winners!!!! Again..... >.>
I could of kinda made out why the price tag said and I saw the sale price was $10 so it's not bad for a t-shirt. At this point you might be thinking "ugh this is lame it's just a t-shirt", but little did you know that there's this secret behind this shirt or something haha. And wait for it... Wait for it.. It's nothing... Nothing special or anything.. Haha just waste you time =\.
You girls/ guys might be thinking I'm crazy right now! And I could be "drunk" from lack of sleep. Zzz
O BYE!!!~ until nex...zzzzzz
That's right it's from Winners!!!! Again..... >.>
I could of kinda made out why the price tag said and I saw the sale price was $10 so it's not bad for a t-shirt. At this point you might be thinking "ugh this is lame it's just a t-shirt", but little did you know that there's this secret behind this shirt or something haha. And wait for it... Wait for it.. It's nothing... Nothing special or anything.. Haha just waste you time =\.
You girls/ guys might be thinking I'm crazy right now! And I could be "drunk" from lack of sleep. Zzz
O BYE!!!~ until nex...zzzzzz
Intense care dual effect sleeping pack
So when I was buying some makeup well more specifically bb cream umm they give away free sample packs. You don't get to pick what you get. It's all random, the smaller the sample you get 3 the bigger you get one.
This is a Korean product, it says that it concentrates skin whiting and anti wrinkle system with good sleep mechanism. So I guess you need good sleep for it to work?? XD i couldn't read the back was on the back because it was in Korean haha.
I don't know if I'll ever see a difference in whiting because I'm actually pretty white for an Chinese girl. So what I mostly work on is riding myself of pimples, scars, blackheads junk like that.
The first time I used this product umm be an my mom both felt that we would get these minor pimples the next day thy go down pretty fast and I'm sure we spread the product around evenly. We didn't even use like Half between the two of us. Just from thinking about it this product probably does clog pores umm I do have the type of skin that gets clogged easily from lotion and face products. So for moisturizing I used this Chinese thing called dry oil. Which is oil that isn't greasy. I'll do a product review another time about it.
Lmao I forgot what I was going to say after going off topic to dry oil, but ya I don't think I can say if the product works or not... But I just use it for the wrinkles??? Haha XD =p they may have chosen that sample for me because the account I bought it on was my moms haha. But ya I did buy the be cream on eBay for 12.40 free shipping includes samples. :D
That's all for now :} I'll post a fashion piece soon. This post was probably not all that useful :p
This is a Korean product, it says that it concentrates skin whiting and anti wrinkle system with good sleep mechanism. So I guess you need good sleep for it to work?? XD i couldn't read the back was on the back because it was in Korean haha.
I don't know if I'll ever see a difference in whiting because I'm actually pretty white for an Chinese girl. So what I mostly work on is riding myself of pimples, scars, blackheads junk like that.
The first time I used this product umm be an my mom both felt that we would get these minor pimples the next day thy go down pretty fast and I'm sure we spread the product around evenly. We didn't even use like Half between the two of us. Just from thinking about it this product probably does clog pores umm I do have the type of skin that gets clogged easily from lotion and face products. So for moisturizing I used this Chinese thing called dry oil. Which is oil that isn't greasy. I'll do a product review another time about it.
Lmao I forgot what I was going to say after going off topic to dry oil, but ya I don't think I can say if the product works or not... But I just use it for the wrinkles??? Haha XD =p they may have chosen that sample for me because the account I bought it on was my moms haha. But ya I did buy the be cream on eBay for 12.40 free shipping includes samples. :D
That's all for now :} I'll post a fashion piece soon. This post was probably not all that useful :p
anti wrinkle,
good sleep,
good sleep mechanism,
Intense care dual effect sleeping pack,
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Fashion piece: mini pink satchel purse
Hi everyone, *waves* so today's Fashion Piece will be this mini pink satchel purse, which I though was okay. I didn't like how it was plastic because they tend to crack over time especially since it is a small bag.
So what I like about it is the fact that it was small and the colour was pretty nice. I didn't see another colour for it in winners but I'm sure there's a variety of colours for this style you can find else where. I've seen bags like these in many different stores so your not limited to just one store, which is great!! Because then you can hunt for the cheapest price and buy it if you like the colour.
Another great thing about this bag is that it can spice up any out fit with matching colours but at a duller shade. Or you can mix it however you want( not really) but ya =p. my image with the purse would be someone who is wearing kind of nude colours or neutral colours and had some dull pink in the outfit and then you have this accented pink bag haha. Sometime I wonder would the bag stand out too much against all the neutral colours and stuff, but then again it's all up to how you feel about the outfit and your own style. I'm sure there are other outfits you can rock this bag/purse in and it'll turn out great or better then the image painted in my head.
So at winners specifically( not really, don't know how long the sale has been going on for) at the day I went, the bag was on sale for $27 when the original price was $34.99, but I'm sure you can find a different place that sells the same bag but at a cheaper price. If you worry about the quality of the bag... I doubt there will be much difference because the bag is made of plastic so if it cracks the bag is pretty much done and ruined.. That is what I hate the most about these bags haha is that If it cracks its over =\
Well that's it for today XD
Bye~ until next time
So what I like about it is the fact that it was small and the colour was pretty nice. I didn't see another colour for it in winners but I'm sure there's a variety of colours for this style you can find else where. I've seen bags like these in many different stores so your not limited to just one store, which is great!! Because then you can hunt for the cheapest price and buy it if you like the colour.
Another great thing about this bag is that it can spice up any out fit with matching colours but at a duller shade. Or you can mix it however you want( not really) but ya =p. my image with the purse would be someone who is wearing kind of nude colours or neutral colours and had some dull pink in the outfit and then you have this accented pink bag haha. Sometime I wonder would the bag stand out too much against all the neutral colours and stuff, but then again it's all up to how you feel about the outfit and your own style. I'm sure there are other outfits you can rock this bag/purse in and it'll turn out great or better then the image painted in my head.
So at winners specifically( not really, don't know how long the sale has been going on for) at the day I went, the bag was on sale for $27 when the original price was $34.99, but I'm sure you can find a different place that sells the same bag but at a cheaper price. If you worry about the quality of the bag... I doubt there will be much difference because the bag is made of plastic so if it cracks the bag is pretty much done and ruined.. That is what I hate the most about these bags haha is that If it cracks its over =\
Well that's it for today XD
Bye~ until next time
Fashion piece,
hot pink,
neon pink,
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Fashion piece: red & gold bag/ purse
Alright, today's piece is this red bag with an accent of gold as decorations. What I like about this bag is the handles because I have a belt that is the exact same except in blue and I like things like that haha. At the same time it has this chunky red and gold accessory weaves together and attached to the bag. One other thing is that this bag is baggy lol because its all loss and stuff which means its more flexible when putting things into it, which is something I need because I hate carryin things by hand at times.
Some thing I dislike is are the handles because it does not have any padding on it which means over time it will start hurting. That's because as you can tell from the picture the handles are metal chains and are not very comfy if holding for a very long time. I know I said that it was my favourite part as well because of its look, but I don't really like the function of it when carrying over a long period of time.
Well, this bag is $39.99, and on the price tag it does a little comparison. To what I don't know, but their just trying to market it this was saying that it is already at a cheaper price compared to somewhere else that I don't know, which can be very misleading because it could be from a store that typically sells expensive things and winners somehow got it at a lower price and can sell it $40 cheaper and still make a profit from it.
This bag could have some improvements here and there, but what I also like about it is its simplicity. Sometimes I find the chunky red and gold decorations an eye sore and sometimes I like it. =\ maybe they could have changed the type of decoration or something but ya. I had mixed views on this bag. Not sure I conveyed my point across or correctly ... If I ever had a point to begin with....
That is it for today XD
Bye~ until next time >w<
Some thing I dislike is are the handles because it does not have any padding on it which means over time it will start hurting. That's because as you can tell from the picture the handles are metal chains and are not very comfy if holding for a very long time. I know I said that it was my favourite part as well because of its look, but I don't really like the function of it when carrying over a long period of time.
Well, this bag is $39.99, and on the price tag it does a little comparison. To what I don't know, but their just trying to market it this was saying that it is already at a cheaper price compared to somewhere else that I don't know, which can be very misleading because it could be from a store that typically sells expensive things and winners somehow got it at a lower price and can sell it $40 cheaper and still make a profit from it.
This bag could have some improvements here and there, but what I also like about it is its simplicity. Sometimes I find the chunky red and gold decorations an eye sore and sometimes I like it. =\ maybe they could have changed the type of decoration or something but ya. I had mixed views on this bag. Not sure I conveyed my point across or correctly ... If I ever had a point to begin with....
That is it for today XD
Bye~ until next time >w<
Fashion piece,
gold chain,
red and gold,
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Fashion piece: net sweater
Here is today's promised second Fashion Piece (FP) post . This is a net sweater( not really sure what it is called) but I though it was something nice and plain that you can pop on when your cold because of AC in a store or mall, but also something you can wear on a cold windy day in spring that's not too heavy but not too light either.
With this piece I thought it would be nice to wear some long earrings to match with the shirt.
That's all for today
Bye~ until next time XD
With this piece I thought it would be nice to wear some long earrings to match with the shirt.
That's all for today
Bye~ until next time XD
Fashion piece: laced top
First fashion piece for today would be this laced top I saw at Winners haha. I thought it was pretty cute for the summer. Though this piece really isn't my favorite just because I don't really like the connection between the top and the frilly part near the bottom. So what I would do would be to either put a belt on or get a piece of ribbon to tie onto it to hide that part. Other then that I thought it was nice + I thought that it was cute how there is a zipper on the back, even though u could just pop it on like a regular shirt, which makes it look more like a dress then a shirt .
Do you girls like this piece? And how would you dress it up with accessories? If it was me I would have borrowed these cute ribbon and pearl bracelets my friend bought from forever 21. Though I'm not sure if thy still sell them now. XD I wouldn't wear a necklace just because the the cut isn't low and the lace already has a lot of texture so if you wore a necklace with it, it might be too much and become clustered. At the same time this shit can give off many different looks such as the cute look if pairs with a nothing skirt, hopefully nothing with too much texture that way the lacing he shirt can be brought out. Another way would be to wear a pair of neutral shirts and wear a light blazer with it. Which look cute too, but a different kind of cute >w<.
This shirt was originally $19.99, but was on sale. However, I could not tell what price it got reduced to.
I hope you like this piece and I'll be posting another one soon
Do you girls like this piece? And how would you dress it up with accessories? If it was me I would have borrowed these cute ribbon and pearl bracelets my friend bought from forever 21. Though I'm not sure if thy still sell them now. XD I wouldn't wear a necklace just because the the cut isn't low and the lace already has a lot of texture so if you wore a necklace with it, it might be too much and become clustered. At the same time this shit can give off many different looks such as the cute look if pairs with a nothing skirt, hopefully nothing with too much texture that way the lacing he shirt can be brought out. Another way would be to wear a pair of neutral shirts and wear a light blazer with it. Which look cute too, but a different kind of cute >w<.
This shirt was originally $19.99, but was on sale. However, I could not tell what price it got reduced to.
I hope you like this piece and I'll be posting another one soon
Fashion piece,
lace shirt,
summer clothing,
So busy
Okay so today I failed to post a fashion piece up right after I said I would do it daily )=. But I have been busy with school, procrastination sucks to no end, so I'll be posting two pieces later in the day after I get some sleep haha.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Fashion piece: Cute mini mint summer dress
Whoo!!!! Today is another day of Fashion Piece XD. So I did just make up a random name for what I am doing, which will be posting daily on 1 or more fashion piece that I really like. If you guys have any better names feel free to leave a comment with a suggestion.
This time I found this mini summer mint dress at Winners ( cough again?? Why?? Keep reading to know XD) when I first saw it I was like "o man that's soon cute >~< I really wanted to buy it!!" And this dress is $20 without tax so I might just wait for it to go on sale and then buy it ( hopefully it will and not sell out haha) but I really do think that the colour with the black star and dot patters really fits with the style of the dress. I thought it was what made this dress stand out and seem cuter then the others. Also with the dress I can just imagine all the hair styles and accessories you could match with it.
Some people might think that I because its minty green it might be harder to match, but if you play around with your accessories your bound to find something that will fit the dress. If it doesn't, then you could try to complement it with other accessories to make it all work together in unison.
That's all for today, bye~
O WAIT!! I forgot to say, when I'm less busy with school, I will go to other stores and blog about items I personally like, but for now it'll be Winners clothing haha =\
Okay for reals now ^^ bye ~ until tomorrow!!!
This time I found this mini summer mint dress at Winners ( cough again?? Why?? Keep reading to know XD) when I first saw it I was like "o man that's soon cute >~< I really wanted to buy it!!" And this dress is $20 without tax so I might just wait for it to go on sale and then buy it ( hopefully it will and not sell out haha) but I really do think that the colour with the black star and dot patters really fits with the style of the dress. I thought it was what made this dress stand out and seem cuter then the others. Also with the dress I can just imagine all the hair styles and accessories you could match with it.
Some people might think that I because its minty green it might be harder to match, but if you play around with your accessories your bound to find something that will fit the dress. If it doesn't, then you could try to complement it with other accessories to make it all work together in unison.
That's all for today, bye~
O WAIT!! I forgot to say, when I'm less busy with school, I will go to other stores and blog about items I personally like, but for now it'll be Winners clothing haha =\
Okay for reals now ^^ bye ~ until tomorrow!!!
Fashion piece,
mint dress,
must have,
Friday, March 15, 2013
Fashion Piece: Baby blue blouse
Hey guys, so today I'm showing Another piece of clothing and guess which store I got it from???? Ya you got that right Winners!!!! How did you know XD.
What I like about this blouse is that it has little spikes running down the side of the arm. It makes the plane blouse into something with more texture and edge, but its not overwhelming the shirt. When I saw it I thought "dang would be nice to have a blouse like that." If I remember correctly this blouse was around 20 something =s not sure haha been too long.
Currently I don't own a blouse like that but I feel like I could pull an outfit off with my o so minimal wardrobe full of dark coloured clothing haha.
Well that's it for today's piece of clothing! Feel free to leave a comment about which store I should go into or what more I could talk about in the blog~
Bye~ until tomorrow ^^
What I like about this blouse is that it has little spikes running down the side of the arm. It makes the plane blouse into something with more texture and edge, but its not overwhelming the shirt. When I saw it I thought "dang would be nice to have a blouse like that." If I remember correctly this blouse was around 20 something =s not sure haha been too long.
Currently I don't own a blouse like that but I feel like I could pull an outfit off with my o so minimal wardrobe full of dark coloured clothing haha.
Well that's it for today's piece of clothing! Feel free to leave a comment about which store I should go into or what more I could talk about in the blog~
Bye~ until tomorrow ^^
baby blue,
blue blouse,
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Fashion Piece: Modern blue satchel looking bag
On the same day as the previous posts, as I was looking through the bag section in Winners, but to clarify I may have done other fashion items from Winners, actually so far all of them are from Winners haha. But ya, by all means I don't really shop there a lot, I just thought these items were really nice for the wardrobe! Until the next time I go shopping I'll have another batch of clothing/ accessories to show you guys. XD
So this time around I'm showing you guys this modern blue satchel bag. It is quite expensive I must say, if I remember correctly it was $129.99. So with tax it would be well over $130!!! Which is pretty expensive for a bag. I personally thought the bag was really pretty( maybe its because I just like satchels haha and always wanted a blue bag. But besides the price, I did like the texture of it, it was kinda like leather, but I dunno if its real or man made ( didn't check) because I was already scared of the price. The price just made me back off from it and just adore it from a distance XD
At home I do have a cute satchel bag that I bought from China, I got a few comments about how cute the bag was when I was ridding the bus. I'll probably show you guys how it looks like another day ^^.
If you guys have a store you want me to look at and post my favourites from it. Do leave a comment and I'll go check it out if there is one near where I live. Or I'll just check out their online store.
Bye~ 😊
So this time around I'm showing you guys this modern blue satchel bag. It is quite expensive I must say, if I remember correctly it was $129.99. So with tax it would be well over $130!!! Which is pretty expensive for a bag. I personally thought the bag was really pretty( maybe its because I just like satchels haha and always wanted a blue bag. But besides the price, I did like the texture of it, it was kinda like leather, but I dunno if its real or man made ( didn't check) because I was already scared of the price. The price just made me back off from it and just adore it from a distance XD
At home I do have a cute satchel bag that I bought from China, I got a few comments about how cute the bag was when I was ridding the bus. I'll probably show you guys how it looks like another day ^^.
If you guys have a store you want me to look at and post my favourites from it. Do leave a comment and I'll go check it out if there is one near where I live. Or I'll just check out their online store.
Bye~ 😊
blue satchel bag,
satchel bag,
Chinese mask: DAY 7!! =D
=D It's finally the 7th day of using the Chinese mask, and I did say that I would post the ingredients to the mask. Though they are Chinese herbs so their name's will be in Chinese, also many other websites of the recipe to this mask, because this formula has been passed down and used for many generations. So many websites may have different variations, they usually have more ingredients, but I didn't have them so I didn't use them.
1. 白术 (Atractylodes)

2. 白芷 (Angelica)

3. 白芍 (Root of herbaceous peony)

4. 茯苓 (Poria)

5. 甘草 (Licorice)

6. 珍珠粉 (Pearl powder)
The pearl powder is inside the pills, so you can just cut it open and pour some in. They also come in little containers. These can sometimes be really costly.

All these ingredients are all optional, you can add and remove ingredients as you like, but the whole point is that they are all natural and possess whiting abilities and many others. Though the 7 days of consecutively using the mask, I now only have to apply it 1-2 times a week. ^^
There are 2 ways that I know how to make this mask:
1. Buy a grinding machine, and grind all the ingredients into powder.
- add 1/2 teaspoon of each ingredient (except for pearl powder, add how ever much you want)
-either add milk (or honey + milk) until a favorable consistency.
- APPLY!! =D
2. If you don't have this machine, you can cook them into like a soup/tea which is also really healthy for you. You can eat it during dinner or lunch (very Asian =p) with other things. After you can try mushing it up into past since it has been soaked in water for a long time, therefore the wood would have soften . (haven't tried it this way, but I have eaten the ingredients in soup)
1. 白术 (Atractylodes)
2. 白芷 (Angelica)
3. 白芍 (Root of herbaceous peony)
4. 茯苓 (Poria)
5. 甘草 (Licorice)
6. 珍珠粉 (Pearl powder)
The pearl powder is inside the pills, so you can just cut it open and pour some in. They also come in little containers. These can sometimes be really costly.
All these ingredients are all optional, you can add and remove ingredients as you like, but the whole point is that they are all natural and possess whiting abilities and many others. Though the 7 days of consecutively using the mask, I now only have to apply it 1-2 times a week. ^^
There are 2 ways that I know how to make this mask:
1. Buy a grinding machine, and grind all the ingredients into powder.
- add 1/2 teaspoon of each ingredient (except for pearl powder, add how ever much you want)
-either add milk (or honey + milk) until a favorable consistency.
- APPLY!! =D
2. If you don't have this machine, you can cook them into like a soup/tea which is also really healthy for you. You can eat it during dinner or lunch (very Asian =p) with other things. After you can try mushing it up into past since it has been soaked in water for a long time, therefore the wood would have soften . (haven't tried it this way, but I have eaten the ingredients in soup)
Chinese herb,
Chinese herb mask,
Chinese mask,
Chinese medicine,
face mask,
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Fashion Piece: Baby orange trench rain jacket
Okay, so I was shopping when I was waiting for my friend and went into Winner s, just cause it was the only clothing store near by, and as I was waking around I saw this baby/ candy like orange colour trench rain coat jacket. The fabric of this jacket is plastic like a rain jacket ( hence why I named part of the name rain jacket), but it has the style of a trench coat/ jacket. But I thought it was so cute >.<!!!
I'm not actually a big fan of rain jackets because even if it blocks me from the rain it doesn't really keep me warm from the wind either, even though sometimes they say its wind proof or something. Other then that I still like the jacket haha.
I did forget to check what the price the jacket was, but I'm pretty sure you can find it on their website.
And I will be posting Chinese mask: day 7 :D tonight after I wear it haha.
I'm not actually a big fan of rain jackets because even if it blocks me from the rain it doesn't really keep me warm from the wind either, even though sometimes they say its wind proof or something. Other then that I still like the jacket haha.
I did forget to check what the price the jacket was, but I'm pretty sure you can find it on their website.
And I will be posting Chinese mask: day 7 :D tonight after I wear it haha.
baby orange,
rain jacket,
trench coat,
Monday, March 11, 2013
Chinese Mask: Day 6
It is finally the 6th day!!! There's only one more day until the final day where I'll reveal all the herbs I have used for my mask. I have gotten some comments by my friends about how I smelled like Chinese medicine, and I do realize that when I wash my face, but not once it dries. So if you don't like the smell of Chinese medicine, this kind of mask might not be for you, or you can try to find another scent that can either accompany the smell or over power it. Personally I wouldn't do that just because I don't really mind the smell and I can't smell it anyways, but also the fact that I wouldn't know how it would end up smelling if you mixed the scent of Chinese medicine, with perfume or other body scents. >w<
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Chinese mask: 5th day
5 days have gone by since I've been putting on masks consecutively. However today I decided to put honey into my mask with less milk so that the mask doesn't dry to the point it cracks. So what I did was put enough honey so that most of the powder forms into something like a dough and placed a tiny bit of milk to liquify it so that there is a smooth application of the product.
Fashion Piece: Red and Beige Envelope Bag
Today I went into winners and looked around to see what other kind of envelope bags they had and happened upon this red and beige envelope bag. I thought it would be a nice statement piece for going to work or for going out. The price for the bag is around 25$-26$ including tax.
envelope bag,
statement piece,
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Chinese Mask: 4th Day
This being the fourth day, I don't see a big change in the black heads but I do believe they have gone down a bit =p. I'm quite happy about it because I've been trying to get ride of my black heads for a while, but none of the applications/ face products seems I purchased in the past seem to do the job. I have high hopes for this home made Chinese herb mask.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Chinese mask: 3rd Day
Today is the third day of applying the Chinese herb mask, this time around I accidentally put too much milk in it so it ended up being a bit more liquid then normal. So to make it more viscous, I placed some flour until I liked the consistency of my mask. Did all the normal routine and all. This time around I didn't see much difference from the day before, but we'll see how well it goes by the end of the 7th day. ^^
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Chinese mask: Day 2
Today is the second day that I am using this home made Chinese herb mask and I`m not sure if its because last time I didn't put enough of the mask on certain areas, but the mask did actually life some o my black heads out. Not all of it came out, but its really noticeable that some of the back head came out. After I applied my normal skin care routine and stuff, I felt like a gush of heat rising to my face like its on fire or something, but that might be a normal thing. It kinda feels like your really embarrassed about something and you turn red, but you don't have the feeling of uneasiness, but the flaming face.
This time around I did wear the mask for a longer period of time, on the first day I only wore it for 20 mins or so, but this time I left it for 30 mins. There was a drastic change in the feeling when you leave the mask on for a longer period of time. When the mask hardens, you can actually feel your skin pinching and it does sometimes hurt to move your face, best to be relax (unlike me when I was watching TV and it was funny hard to not laugh and when I did laugh it hurt =\). I'm pretty sure when the mask gives a pinching feeling is when the some of the black heads are getting pushed out. My face felt a lot smoother after I rinsed the mask off even though there seems to be like white patches of dry skin, not sure if it was cause I used a cleanser before I put the mask on, which tends to dry my skin, but it didn't feel dry at all.
Please feel free to ask any question, I do plan on posting the ingredients after the seven days.
This time around I did wear the mask for a longer period of time, on the first day I only wore it for 20 mins or so, but this time I left it for 30 mins. There was a drastic change in the feeling when you leave the mask on for a longer period of time. When the mask hardens, you can actually feel your skin pinching and it does sometimes hurt to move your face, best to be relax (unlike me when I was watching TV and it was funny hard to not laugh and when I did laugh it hurt =\). I'm pretty sure when the mask gives a pinching feeling is when the some of the black heads are getting pushed out. My face felt a lot smoother after I rinsed the mask off even though there seems to be like white patches of dry skin, not sure if it was cause I used a cleanser before I put the mask on, which tends to dry my skin, but it didn't feel dry at all.
Please feel free to ask any question, I do plan on posting the ingredients after the seven days.
Chinese herb,
Chinese herb mask,
face mask,
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Chinese herb mask
Edit: Check out "Chinese herb mask: DAY 7!!!" for the list of ingredients used within the mask
Today I was able to try out the mask, since it took a long time to grind all the Chinese medicine/ herbs into powder.
This mask is supposedly help whited your face and potentially remove black spots and I'm here to test that out ^^.
What we put in was half a tea spoon of each powder. When we mixed them up we stored and poured a little bit of milk at a time until it reached a certain consistency. I left it on for around 20 to 30 mins until it hardened. You then go rinse it off with warm water. Apply your normal skin care routine after.
What I have found was that some of my blackhead became duller, but not all. I will be using this mask for 7 days to see how this application will do.
Today I was able to try out the mask, since it took a long time to grind all the Chinese medicine/ herbs into powder.
This mask is supposedly help whited your face and potentially remove black spots and I'm here to test that out ^^.
What we put in was half a tea spoon of each powder. When we mixed them up we stored and poured a little bit of milk at a time until it reached a certain consistency. I left it on for around 20 to 30 mins until it hardened. You then go rinse it off with warm water. Apply your normal skin care routine after.
What I have found was that some of my blackhead became duller, but not all. I will be using this mask for 7 days to see how this application will do.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Project with my mom
Today me and my mom were grinding some Chinese medicine or herbs to powder so we can make our own masks to apply to our faces.. Hope it works! Fingers crossed!
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