Bobblehead Bunny

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chinese mask: Day 2

Today is the second day that I am using this home made Chinese herb mask and I`m not sure if its because last time I didn't put enough of the mask on certain areas, but the mask did actually life some o my black heads out. Not all of it came out, but its really noticeable that some of the back head came out. After I applied my normal skin care routine and stuff, I felt like a gush of heat rising to my face like its on fire or something, but that might be a normal thing. It kinda feels like your really embarrassed about something and you turn red, but you don't have the feeling of uneasiness, but the flaming face.

This time around I did wear the mask for a longer period of time, on the first day I only wore it for 20 mins or so, but this time I left it for 30 mins. There was a drastic change in the feeling when you leave the mask on for a longer period of time. When the mask hardens, you can actually feel your skin pinching and it does sometimes hurt to  move your face, best to be relax (unlike me when I was watching TV and it was funny hard to not laugh and when I did laugh it hurt =\). I'm pretty sure when the mask gives a pinching feeling is when the some of the black heads are getting pushed out.  My face felt a lot  smoother after I rinsed the mask off even though there seems to be like white patches of dry skin, not sure if it was cause I used a cleanser before I put the mask on, which tends to dry my skin, but it didn't feel dry at all.

Please feel free to ask any question, I do plan on posting the ingredients after the seven days.

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