Bobblehead Bunny

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Chinese mask: DAY 7!! =D

=D It's finally the 7th day of using the Chinese mask, and I did say that I would post the ingredients to the mask. Though they are Chinese herbs so their name's will be in Chinese, also many other websites of the recipe to this mask, because this formula has been passed down and used for many generations. So  many websites may have different variations, they usually have more ingredients, but I didn't have them so I didn't use them.

1. 白术 (Atractylodes)

2. 白芷 (Angelica)

3. 白芍 (Root of herbaceous peony)

4. 茯苓 (Poria)

5. 甘草 (Licorice)

6. 珍珠粉 (Pearl powder)
   The pearl powder is inside the pills, so you can just cut it open and pour some in. They also come in little containers. These can sometimes be really costly.

All these ingredients are all optional, you can add and remove ingredients as you like, but the whole point is that they are all natural and possess whiting abilities and many others. Though the 7 days of consecutively using the mask, I now only have to apply it 1-2 times a week. ^^

There are 2 ways that I know how to make this mask:

1. Buy a grinding machine, and grind all the ingredients into powder.
- add 1/2 teaspoon of each ingredient (except for pearl powder, add how ever much you want)
-either add milk (or honey + milk) until a favorable consistency.
- APPLY!! =D

2. If you don't have this machine, you can cook them into like a soup/tea which is also really healthy for you. You can eat it during dinner or lunch (very Asian =p) with other things. After you can try mushing it up into past since it has been soaked in water for a long time, therefore the wood would have soften . (haven't tried it this way, but I have eaten the ingredients in soup)

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