So when I was buying some makeup well more specifically bb cream umm they give away free sample packs. You don't get to pick what you get. It's all random, the smaller the sample you get 3 the bigger you get one.
This is a Korean product, it says that it concentrates skin whiting and anti wrinkle system with good sleep mechanism. So I guess you need good sleep for it to work?? XD i couldn't read the back was on the back because it was in Korean haha.
I don't know if I'll ever see a difference in whiting because I'm actually pretty white for an Chinese girl. So what I mostly work on is riding myself of pimples, scars, blackheads junk like that.
The first time I used this product umm be an my mom both felt that we would get these minor pimples the next day thy go down pretty fast and I'm sure we spread the product around evenly. We didn't even use like Half between the two of us. Just from thinking about it this product probably does clog pores umm I do have the type of skin that gets clogged easily from lotion and face products. So for moisturizing I used this Chinese thing called dry oil. Which is oil that isn't greasy. I'll do a product review another time about it.
Lmao I forgot what I was going to say after going off topic to dry oil, but ya I don't think I can say if the product works or not... But I just use it for the wrinkles??? Haha XD =p they may have chosen that sample for me because the account I bought it on was my moms haha. But ya I did buy the be cream on eBay for 12.40 free shipping includes samples. :D
That's all for now :} I'll post a fashion piece soon. This post was probably not all that useful :p
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